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Full text of "Iris news : descriptive price list / A.B. Katkamier."

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Historic, Archive Document 

Do not assume content reflects current 
scientific knowledge, policies, or practices. 



° old- Zaetioned Bleeding 
in bright sunshine and 

ras more Sacnes and grace- 

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bear greenish 
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rely was PAhOne this con- 
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1 group of words ana! me 
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write such” consoling and 

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(8 baby Me: 5 months old never to , 
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ee and pleasure you ‘Have’ given ieee e 
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‘o God our creator, who , 
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| ee 

[F Its five hundred and fifty one words of descriptive 
thought are a “brief yet comprehensive” program lead- 
ape. to a belief in the life eternal. 

~ The following are quotations from a few of the in- 
teresting letters received from our readers, 

_“T read over and over your ‘Iris News’ and dream and dream. I 
‘ike your article ‘We Are Immortal’ very much. I eouies it and 
sent to Pig ieee Of course I told them where I found it.” 


“TY have just received a copy of ‘Iris News’ from a friend. May 
I tell you how much I have enjoyed ‘We Are Immortal.’ The thoughts 
Pe very inspiring and very beautifully worded.”—MRS. J. B. C., 


“Your ‘Iris News’ is truly an iuferestiie publication. I have read 
your ‘We Are Immortal’ through several times. It contains a deep 
+ eee thought which I have not found in anything else I have 

“J sure enjoy ‘Iris News.’ ‘We Are Immortal’ is one of the most 
wonderful pieces I ever read. Again and again as I read it I always 
eem to find a new encouragement.’’—D. O. ey Tenn. 

“The first thing I do each morning is to ead a paragraph of ‘We 
re Immortal.’ It takes me twenty six mornings to thus complete 
the reading. On the twenty seventh morning I begin again with the 
first paragraph. To me it states a self evident truth. And it is sus- 
ained by all the other items in your ‘We ae Immortal’.” mortal.’ These copies we will send to friends and relatives and will 


A. B. Ka Katkamier 

a ; Dedicated To All ‘Who Enjoy the Great Out of Doors Particularly Those who ieee Beoucltes Flowers 

Macedon, N. Vis 

our simple and beautiful lines in ‘We Are Immortal’ are better 

pee Appreciation ak all the pomp and fanfare of present day religions. sie ae 

te You are invited to read our editorial “We Are Im- your words each garden seems an unsullied cathedral.”—F. H. K., 
N,. J. 

“Thank you for ‘The Iris News.’ It is like a friend you can talk 
with. I have read many times your article ‘We Are Immertal.”— 
MRS. R. P. L., So. Dak. 

“Thanks for your ‘Iris News,’ and the article “We Are Immortal’ 

does _ es one realize there is a spirit-life beyond the grave.”— 
e ‘other ae whieh cane | Uae you too have thought through a plan for MRS. R. M. J., Md. 
; t i “Your ‘Iris News’ is inspiring reading. It must mean a great deal 

to more people than you can ever know. How did you come to write 
‘We Are ee I know a number of people who would like 
to know.” ’—MISS F. A. W.. Mass. 

“T, too, believe ‘We Are Immortal.” Your thoughts on the true 
and “the beautiful as presented in flowers and nature and folks are 
so easy to understand. You must have read many books. And your 
idea of the spirit-life through eternity is convincing.’”—MRS. L. B., 

- ¥. 

What They Say 

“In your message ‘We Are Immortal’ you have painted with words, 
a fascinating picture of our earth-life and the life-eternal. It is as 
timely as it is sublime. It illustrates, explains and exemplifies the 
conditions comprehended and constructed in God’s capacious universe. 

“Your ‘We Are Immortal’ will always be enshrined in the thoughts 
of mankind.”—A. M. T., Ohio. : 

“The beautifully expressed thoughts in your ‘We Are Immortal’ 
are contagious and lead one to more fully appreciate the present 
and the future of mankind. For myself I am thrilled each time I 
read and meditate on ‘We Are Immortal’.”—H. J. 8., Maine. 

“I read with pleasure your ‘We Are Immortal.’ It contains won- 
derful thoughts, and many items that appeal to all nature-lovers. 
One feels better after having read it.”—Mrs. W. H., Mass. 

Iowa. \ 

“My father has passed from among the living and I desire, if 
you can do so, for you to send me a dozen copies of ‘We Are Im- 

» Rhode Island. be dedicated to his memory. 

We Are Immortal 

(Copyright 1946 A. B. Katkamier) 

The most profound thought that enters the mind is the idea of a spirit- 
life beyond the grave, continuous in eternity. 

The charm of the beautiful things of life and nature is a preface to the 
sublime features of the eventful beyond. 

May we all look more and more for the beautiful, ever-present in 
humanity and in the smallest particle of substance to the largest object in 
our marvelous universe. 

Through the procession of the seasons, in the spirit- soul, following our 
separate inclination, we shall be with the gorgeous iris, the appealing rose, 
the nodding poppy, the stately chrysanthemum. 

_ We shall be with the multitude of o ther flowers, in their fascinating 
fragrances and colors. 

We shall be with each seed with its ur ge to reproduce, that succeeding 
plants may grow and bloom. 

In autumn, when the maturing ee | take on their lovely tints, there 
we shall be with each nature-painted leaf. 

We shall be with the curve of the rainbow with its hues of promise, 
with the rose-toned sky of the morning and with the resplendent sunset 
with its deep purples, its reds, its gold and its cerulean blue. 

_ We shall be with the balmy breeze, 

idless sea, and all forms of life. 
We shall be with the fruitful soil and the tasteful, nourishing foods. 
Appreciating and wondering we shall I 

in endless space. 

We shall be with the cheerful song of birds, with hearty laughter and 
with the musical harmony of all melodious sounds. 

We shall be with the art of the mind and the artistry of the hand. 

We shall be with the glad greeting of friends, the responsive touch of 
personality, the provocative flash of eyes, the ecstatic kiss of lovers. 

We shall be with the smiles of children, the buoyancy of youth, the 
ie een earess of mothers and with the understanding fellowship of 

athers 4 

We shall be in the happiness of conversation, the inspiration of encour- 
aging words, the performance of neighborly deeds. 

We shall be wherever there is willing help, steadfast loyalty, confiding 
faith, thoughtful kindness and the thrill of joy. 

God is a Spirit and His spirit vibrant-impulses radiate from His spirit- 
soul and permeate to the uttermost parts of everywhere and find a pulsating 
response in everything. 

The vibrant-impulses of our spirit-s ul—our consciousness—infiltrate 
and attune to God’s vibrant-impulses and we are partakers of His Divine 

Where God’s spirit-soul is, our indi idual, ever-living spirit-soul will 
be also. 

. Being awakened to the grandeur of Mature; the good in people and the 
reality of Deity, is Heaven on earth. | 

And when we pass from this earth-life, we shall explore, in our quickened 
comprehension, the unknown glories of the mystical future. 

Thus we shall continue to advance our soul spirit-life. 

We shall share with all mankind, the splendors and satisfactions of 
eternal bliss and peace. This is Heaven of the spirit. 

For the Life of Yesterday goes on Today and throughout all Time. 

_ Let us meditate on these things each morning and each evening. 
Allen Belknap Katkamier, Macedon, N. Y. 









_ Cinnabar—Marvelous rich velvety red tone.............--.. sees 

Copper Boy—A sprightly flower; various tones of copper aye. 2.75 
- The understanding way to look at an Iris bloom is to give it the 


-_-your Tris. i 3 . ip 
ce _ Copper Lustre—A sensation; copper luster with gold-tan under- 


Here Are Hundreds | 

of varieties of Iris from which to select the colors to 
paint your garden picture. The Master Artist gave the 
Iris so many hues, tints and shades of all colors, that 
it is rightly called the Rainbow Flower. Some flower 
lovers refer to the Iris as The Garden Orchid. The Iris 
has a wider color range than any other flower. | 
To briefly describe all the varieties of Iris in our 
Gardens would take several issues of “Iris News.” 
We will meet the price of any grower on any variety 
not listed here. Include same with your order. 4 
_ The following are descriptions of a few hundred 
varieties of Iris growing in quantity in our fields. The 
prices are adjusted to meet the desire of those who 
wish to beautify the home surroundings at little cost. 
In answer to many questions the following informa- 
tion is given regarding the description of Irises. A self 
is an Iris of uniform color; a bicolor has standards of 
one color and falls of a deeper shade of the same color; 
a variegata has falls of red, brown or red-purple and 
standards of some shade of yellow, a plicata is a light or 
white flower marked or stippled with a darker shade 
particularly on the margins; an amoena has white 
standards and colored falls; a blend is a combination of 
_ two or more colors. . 
The letter S. refers to the standards or upright top 
petals; F. refers to the falls which are lower or hanging 
etals. “ 
: You can have a complete garden with Irises alone, but 
-you cannot have a complete garden without them. 
The varieties starred (*) are included in the best hundred. 

Aarenhorst—Dark violet bicolor, with light edged F............ /$.19 
Acacia Rose—A rose-pink Iris that travels with the popular group .19 
Afterglow—Misty lavender pink, buff and yellow. Fragrant.... .19 
Alabaster—A clear white with flaring falls. Floriferous......... 19 
Albert Victor—Rich violet flower. Vigorous, very fragrant...... 19 

Albright—The new orchid-pink Iris that pleases................ 19 

Alcazar—sS. violet, tinted bronze; F. reddish purple. Early. Sweet .19 
Alfheim—Violet blue bicolor with light stripe through F........ 19 
Alice Harding—Soft satin yellow..............-.-..eeeeeeeeee 24 

_ Allies—Smoky wine blend. Fall bloomer...................-055 19 
_ Alliquippa—Attractive light yellow in garden effect............. 19 
- Allure—Canary yellow, overlaid opalescent pink. Ruffled petals. .19 
- eAlta California—Deep yellow faintly bronzed ................. 19 
Amenti—Petals are ecru and soft lilac, delightfully ruffied...... 19 
Ambassadeur—Rich reddish violet, velvety purple. Fragrant.... .19 
Amber—Magnificent yellow Iris reddish gold beard............. 19 
eAmbrosia—Light pink, silvery white with golden beard o.3 sar 19 
Anne Boleyn—Fine blue bicolor, contrasting orange beard....... 19 
Anne Leslie—S. white; F. dahlia-carmine. Scented, beautiful... .19 

- Ann Page—A lovely large pale lavender-blue self. Sweet....... 19 
 Antares—S. soft cream; F. white dotted blue............. eae ‘Lo 
Antonio—Maroon purple, reddish effect. Splendid shape 2 kd 
Apache—An attractive Indian red color. Scented..............- .29 
Aphrodite—Bright violet pink, glossy texture. Very fragrant... .19 
Archeveque—Violet, velvety raisin purple. Early. Fragrant.... .19 
Arnolds—Red toned, medium size, midseason......... ........- 19 
Aristocrat—S. lavender violet; F. dark violet. Tall, stately...... 19 
‘Ashtoreth—Tall, soft yellow.............-----++++eeeee Arata 18 
Asia—Beautiful blend lavender and purplish tan. Scented...... 19 
At Dawning—Huge size, arbutus pink and brilliant rose........ 1-29 
Athene—One of the very best pure white. Large ............. . 19 

- Avtaumn Dawn—Everblooming ruffled, pink-yellow blend........ ~ 19 

Autumn Haze—Can you imagine a light lavender-violet ? That’s i 
Autumn King—Blue purple, blooms in June and September..... 
Autumn Queen—Blooms in fall. White. Intermediate form. 
‘Avatar—S. buff; F. pansy violet, 3 ft. Fragrant, brilliant. ... 
Azure—Rich blue purple bicolor, free flowering. Late...-.... 

Baldur—S. light lilac; F. maroon purple...............-...-+-: 

eBaldwin—A peculiar but lovely shade of violet. Very large 
flowers ....... Seared cis Siete aeteea te See OR ARIGIO cs) ime Cs Se 19 
Ballerine—Fine lavender bicolor. Commanding, fragrant. .....- 19 

Beau Sabreur—sS. aniline yellow; F. lovely velvety oxblood red.. .19 

_ Beowulf—Rich velvety maroon and coppery brown. Broad F.... .24 
Blackamoor—Imagine the darkest blue-black purple. That's t 
MeBlackamoor sisi sca roties «opens eee ee een ee 19 

Black Wings—Actual color is midnight blue, with 

Blue Boy—Early. L 
Blue Glory—One of the best of the bright blues........ stain nee 
Blue Hill—Soft blue. Not easy to imagine—like a medium soft- 
iciilecl bear wteiie cirsie ites iv nish cid aie Sanstecstelrsclse stole ce aiehele 6 
Blue Torch—A very attractive light lavender and red-purple.... 
Blue Triumph—Approaches perfection in a lovely light blue..... 
Blue Velvet—Velvety. Best dark blue..............-...-eee05- 
Blaet—Good for blue color scheme. White beard. Scented...... 
Bonita—Clear buttercup yellow. Very tall 
‘Bravura—Large flowers, deep rosy lilac. Tall, vigorous........ 
Bruno—Tops fawn tinted lavender; falls velvety red-purple.... 
Buto—S. roya] purple; F. dark velvety violet. Likeable...... 
B. Y. Morrison—S. pale violet; violet-purple. Margined lighter 
Cafe Au Lait—A very charming creamy tan blend. Likeable... 
Calcutta—A new color—cocoa brown, petals flecked darker...... +3 
eCalifornia Gold—Tall, deep golden yellow............-.....++: > 
eCameliard—S. and F. amber yellow, overlaid with purple ; 
Capri—Interesting blend of orange yellow and gold tones........ 

Caprice—Reddish purple self. Rich grape fragrance............ 
Cardinal—Richest lavender and raisin purple. Fragrant........ 
Caroline E. Stringer—Delicate light rose pink. Very fragrant.. .] 
Cassandre—Tops smoky rose-lavender, falls purplish garnet..... 
Caseanet—Large deep yellow. Prettily fluted edges..... f 
Caterina—Bluish-lavender violet. Ruffied. Sweetly fragrant.... .] 
Celeste—The Heavenly Blue Iris. Scented.............-.-..000> 
Cecil Minturn—Uniform Cattleya rose. Sweet scented ihe ee 
Chalice—A bright soft yellow of even tone. Vigorous........... 
Challenger—Dark purple to blackish violet. Large, good........ 
Chartier—A smooth clear white. Very pleasing... .. 
Chasseur—An improved Shekinah. Fragrant; artistic flower.... 
Chestnut—Cinnamon-cream, plicata, ruffled, very effective...... ls 
Christabel—“A glowing true red.” Admired garden clump...... 
-Churchmouse—A wonderful new color—Hay’s Brown. See it... -L 


_ Citronella—Splendid yellow, veined VanDyke red ~¢ 
City of Lincoln—Bright, large, fine variegata. S., golden; 1s é 
fire red ; ; 
Clara Noyes—A rich apricot to orange medley................. 
Claret—A red toned claret color. Blooms profusely...........-... 

Claude Aureau—S. Fawn; F. Bordeaux red..................-+- i 

Clin—Light steel blue self. Orange beard. Free flowering . 19 
Cluny—Tall, early, large blossoms. Wisteria violet. Fragrant.. .19 
Colias—Beautiful yellow self. Free flowering.............. :.. ae 
-Conchobar—Purple | THE GP Oe Pentind ogcoh lott es ia .6 0) app nee 19 

consideration one woman does another woman when looking her up 
and down to see what she is wearing. : : 
Tf you will do this, no detail will be missed and you will know 

ites... 19 
Cee 29° 

Crystal Beauty—Large white, branching 19 
Curious Red—This new Iris adds another tone to reds.......... 3.00 
Dalila—S. flesh tint; F. reddish purple. Scented................ Monel 9} 
Daughter of Alta—A lovely daughter of a beautiful Iris: Alta ee 


Dawn—Warly free flowering, Marguerite yellow. Sweet scented... -19 
Day Dream—Tall, vigorous. Pleasing pink-yellow blend........ 29 
Welicatissima—A very lovely soft pink. Fragrant. 1 like it..... 19 
°Depute Nomblot-——Coppery-red and dusky bronze. Aristocratic.. .19 
Desert Gold—Light yeliow, deeper at center, luminous and pleas- i 
i Sa RR A ic Cora ty Md, 5: UR Neg eR ee ae a Bhi iy te te s 
*Dogrose—Exquisite pink, golden beard, oval form. Superb..... 19 
¢Dolly Madison—Warly. Soft mauve and yellow blend.......... 19 
Dora Langdon—A yellow and pink blend, rich colors........... 9 
Dorothy Dietz—Tops light blue, changing to white; pansy-violet. .19 
Doxa—EHarly. Unusual olive tints... 2.2.0... .0. 55. cc eeeccuaves «19 
Dream—Decidedly finest of all pink Iris. Fragrant. Graceful... .19 
Dr. C. H. Mayo—A red toned bicolor. Fragrant. Popular...... 19 
Duke of Bedford—Brilliant, rich violet purple. Scented, large.. .19 
Dusk—S. lavender; F. deep maroon, Brilliant golden beard..... 19 
E. B. Williamson—Lustrous coppery rose. Exquisitely fragrant.. .59 
Eden Phillpotts—Clear lavender blue self. Large flowers....... 19 
Egypt—Bronzy violet, good substance .................0-2.000e 19 
El Capitan—Manganese violet. Flaring falls. Fragrant. Noble. .19 
E. L. Crandail—Light blue toned [ris. Very fragrant........... 19 
Eldorado—Blend of yellow, heliotrope and violet. Fragrant..... 13 
Edgewood—Deep pinkish lavender bicolor. Fine garden effect... .19 
Eleanor Blue—Free blooming, soft blue, appealing.............. 24 
Eleanor Roosevelt—Purple self, fall bloomer.................+. 19 
Elizabeth Egelberg—Mauve pink with heavy orange beard...... 8 
Eikhart—Deep chestnut. Very desirable red toned.............. 39 
Elsa Sass—A startling new shade of yellow. Large, frilled..... 1.29 
El Tovar—Novel colorings. F., black maroon; S., 

Orange....... 24 
Endymion—A deep cream and lavender fawn. Fragrant. : 
Eothen—Large. Soft ivory yellow....................4.. 

Eros—Tall, salmon colored self. Throat of gold.............+.. 24 
Esplendido—Bright red purple bicolor. Gorgeous............... 19 
Euphony—Ruffiled, color mustard yellow. Much liked............ 19 
Eventide—A self of Hay’s lilac. Very much liked............... 19 
eEvolution—Copper-bronze. Exquisite ...............ce eee eee 19 
Fairy—Early. White bordered blue. The most fragrant Iris.... .19 
Far West—Lovely blend of salmon, gold, coral and henna....... 39 
Fascination—Next to Pink Satin, the best pink................. 19 
F. B. Schermerhorn—Blue toned lavender. A good one......... 19 
Flammenschwert—Gorgeous yellow and brown. Fragrant....... 9 
Florentina—Creamy white flushed lavender, orange beard. Fra- 
get ee es or MENTE Ch RTE SORE IER TURE ce Lc. ER ee ema Dts as 19 
Fra Angelico—A sunset effect gold, with blue flush on falls..... ok 
Freyer’s Glory—Golden crimson and velvety maroon............ 19 
eFrieda Mohr—Largest, most brilliant pink Iris. Fragrant..... 19 
Fro—S. Empire yellow; F. rich, velvety oxblood. Fragrant..... 19 
Gandhi—Red purple and one of the latest to bloom............. 19 
Gaviata—Lovely warm creamy white. Delightfully fragrant.... .19 
Gay Hussar—S. lemon chrome; F. deep velvety oxblood red. 
Gold beard cs .ccct ir cack eke ae ae ie Nee oie oe ta Sevtisda ev es gant palo oR Ad 
Gen. DeWett—A rich red purple. Combines well with others.... .19 
Georgia—An early, bright orchid free flowering pink. apeetel& 
Geo. J. Tribolet—Black, violet, dark red purple. Scented........ .19 
Germaine Perthuis—Rich violet purple. Refined, fragrant...... S$ 
Germanica—The old blue flag of our grandmother’s day. Early.. .19 
Gertrude—Early, deep blue, sweet scented, long in flower....... 19 
Giant Baldwin—A superb gigantic flower of brilliant blue...... 19 
Giant King—Tops old gold; falls rich bright crimson-mauve. Tall .19 
Gleam—Sott blue’ self;742 “ins tall (74.2 son hs be se teres 19 
Glory of Hillegom—Blue toned bicolor. Foliage large.......... 19 
Glowing Embers—Violet and purple inclosing orange center..... 19 
Golden Helmet—S. old gold; F. oxblood red.................... 25 
Gobelin Red—Oxblood red. A bright spot in the garden........ 19 
Golden Geddes—Here is a very satisfactory relative of Mary \ 
Geddes ous wills ndhairenitina. nse eh ts aR ek ae 3.25 
Golden Light—Very lovely. Frilled red-yellow blend............ 226 
Golden Midas—Golden standards, attractive red falls. A glorified j 
seedling vofawmeg | Midaaiyc 35 captiele raat one aunts He tambo eat -00 
Golden Promise—Good yellow, bronze veins at throat........... 15 
Gold Imperial—Bright clear uniform rich yellow coloring........ 19 
G. P. Baker—Canary and primrose yellow...................6.-- 19 
eGrace Sturtevant—Dark red brown and violet carmine. eee) 
Grand Monarch—Velvety bronze red.................-..2.0005 19 
Gudrum—Like a great white magnolia blossom gold dusted...... 24 
Gypsie Queen—Honey yellow S.; black maroon F. Tall, strong.. .19 
Halo—Blue violet bicolor. Scented. Large flower............... 19 
Harpalion—S. lavender; F. lavender blue. Orange beard........ 19 
eHenri Riviere—Soft yellow blend....................0 eee ueee 19 
Her Majesty—Her Majesty is rose-pink and blooms late......... ld 
Hippolyta—Lavender violet self. Exceptional smooth substance.. .19 
Honorabile—This variety has made gardens beautiful always.... .19 
Hussard—An unusual deep toned blue self. Excellent.......... 19 
Hypatia—30 in. Early deep pure uniform blue................. 19 

Imperator—S. violet tinted buff; F. beautiful reddish-violet..... 
eIndian Chief—S. pinkish red; F. deep rich velvety red......... 19 

Indian Hills—A rich true purple. Large, fragrant.............. 29 
Ingeborg—White, orange beard, early. Delicately fragrant..... 19 
Iroquois—S. smoky lavender; F. black-maroon. Tall............ 19 
Isolene—Blended pink, buff, yellow and violet. Fragrant, tall... .19 
Ivorine—Creamy-white, delicate and much liked................ 19 
Jacqueline Gillot—Soft, lavender, violet. Exquisite............. 19 
Jacquesiana—Red-brown tones. Many blooming side branches.. .19 
Jane Williamson—Pink pastel, gold and maroon................ 19 
eJean Cayeux—Distinctive colored Havana and Coffee Brown... .29 
Jeanne D’Arc—White delicately edged blue. Scented, pleasing.. .19 
Jean Siret—Spring and Fall bloomer. Yellow fleshed blue...... AS 
Jerry—Very bright red, large and tall. Exciting................ 29) 
eJoyance—A sparkling cream-white, the largest of its class..... 19 
eJoycette—Tall. Large. Perfect red-toned..................... 29 
Jubilee—Light buff margined dark copper. Fragrant........... 19 
Julia Marlowe—S. violet; F. raisin purple. Fragrant. Stately... .19 
Jumbo—Violet; purple, brown veins at throat. Strange........ 19 
Juaniata—S. and F. clear violet. Tall, large, fragrant.......... 19 
June Margaret—Unique combination of red and gold. Named 
for my granddaughter three years old...............0000c000- 3.00 
Kalos—S. and F. white, veined pale rose, yellow beard........... 19 
King Midas—-A magic touch of gold. Radiant t 19 
King Tut—S. brownish; F. velvety glowing red. Admired....... .19 
Kochi—Rich, silky dark red purple. Early. Scented............ 19 
L’Aiglon—Tall, large, very handsome deep bronzy blue violet... .19 
Labor—Color effect, burnished red copper. Beautiful ......... 19 
LaNiege—A well formed cream white flower. Fragrant........ 19 
Largo—Blending old gold, mustard yellow, brown and mauve 
pink © ..02 OS SEO OTs Hoe che CPeino Teas GI OOOO 1 
Late White—There’s a place for a white late Iris............... 19 

L. A. Williamson—S. and F. velvety violet purple. Scented...... 19 

Leonidas—Lavender violet, bright orange beard. Tall......... Bask) 
Leota—White. Blooms for Memorial Day. Scented. Valuable.. .19 
Leotitia Michaud—Light blue shading lighter at edges. Large... .19 
Lieut. Chavagnac—Spring and Fall. Deep red violet............ 19 

Light of Day—A soft yellow, clear and attractive.............. 2.00 
Little Corporal—Unique blend of pink, yellow and lavender... .1.79 

Lohengrin—Uniform mauve violet. Ruffled, good, fragrant..... 19 
Lona—Ruffled peach colored, veined and peppered violet........ 19 
Lord Lamborne—Bronzy pink. Long time in bloom............ -19 
Lord of June—Blue, lavender violet. Large, showy, fragrant... .19 
Loreley—S. yellow; F. raisin purple. Showy, sweetly fragrant. .19 
Les Angeles—A white vlicata lavender toned. Fragrant Ak) 

Magnifica—Two toned reddish violet. Immense long sweetly 
scented flowers. Strikingly beautiful. . 
Majestic—Mauve to rich velvety raisin purple .. *............ 19 

Ma Mie—S. and F. white, frilled violet. Good. Fragrant Ha ek? 
Mandraliscae—Early blue toned self. Sweet scented. Desirable. .19 
Marco Polo—Soft rose and dahlia carmine Rect dr otho oe See 39 
Margaret Moor—A red toned self. Attractive Syst cee rege) 
Mary Barnett—Light lavender, prominent bright golden beard. . 

eMary Geddes—Soft pink, overlaid Pomeranian red ............ 19 
Mary Gibson—S. bronzy old rose; F. old rose. Scented.......... 219 | 
Marsh Marigold—S. Golden yellow; F. deep purple-brown....... 19) | 
Matula—Brilliant blend of rose, orange, crimson and buff....... 59 
Meldoric—A domed blue-black with golden beard............... +29 
Medium Blue—What a task it is to adequately describe the colors 

OL gioweras slo) see: 18° tO, KNOW bf .a! ces se Seal. | ese 2.00 

Medrano—S. Reddish-copper ; F. dark ‘reddish-purple. See 

Midwest—Ruffied, white, flushed and edged purple.............. 19 
Midwest Gem—Apricot yellow flushed pink. Crimped petals..... .59 
Mildred Presby—sS. pink white; F. rich velvety rose purple...... 19 
Miranda—Bluish violet metallic sheen. Early, tall, stately...... 19 
Miss Eardley—S. yellow; F. red lavender. Exceilent in mass.... .19 
Mist—A blue Iris from Foster. Loved everywhere.............. 19 

Mithras—Yellow wine red, veined white. Scented. Distinctive... .19 
Mme. Cecile Boucast—Soft orchid pink ..............-+2+2+-5: 19 
Mme. Chereau—Prized since 1844. White frilled blue. Ruffled.. .19 
Mme. Cheri—Violet; pink and yellow undertone. Pleasing color. .19 
Mine. DeSevinge—White edged pink lavender. Beautiful........ 19 
Mme. Gaudichau—Rich velvety violet purple. Scented.... ees 4 
Mme. Lou’s Areau—Lovely soft rosy heliotrope...........-..... 49 
Mme. Maurice Lassailly—Attractive blue bicolor................ 69 
Mirasol—A distinctive pure chrome-yellow.......-........-.s5+- 19 
Miss California—Tops 4 ft. in any garden. Pink toned blooms... .39 
Modiste—Beautiful mauve self. Tall, well branched. Good...... 49 
Moliere—S. violet blue; F. velvety violet. Scented. Large...... 19 
Monsignor—Deep velvety, brownish purple. Fragrant. Late.... .19 

Monterey—Tall, dark bronzed red-violet 
Moonbeam—Early. Sulphur yellow self............0:seseeesuees s 
Moonglo—Distinct yellow blend................... 
Moonlight—Giant silvery white. 
Moon Magic—A tall, new soft yellow Iris with fragrance....... 
Moonstone—Soft luminous blue. Pleasing. Fragrant........... - 
Morning Glory—Red toned bicolor...... 
Morning Splendor—S. light purple; F. rich velvety red-purple.. . 

Mother of Pearl—S. and F. pearly lavender. Stately, scented.... .39 
Mount Royal—A gigantic purple bicolor. Fragrant.............. 19 
Mrs. Alan Gray—Delicate purplish lilac. Desirable. Fragrant.. .19 
Mrs. A. S. Hoyt—S. purple; F. white edged violet. Good ...... A9 
Mrs. H. F. Bowles—S. brown gold; F. brilliant brick red....... 19 
Mrs. Marion Cran—A brilliant light rose, tall and stately...... 19 
eMrs. Valerie West—S. lavender bronze; F. rich crimson........ 19 
Nancy Orne—Delightful red purple with fawn-pink effect...... 19 
Narvain—Silky intense indigo blue petals, no veining........... 29 
Nathalis—Has @ very lovely soft pink effect _...-.-.......... 9 
Navajo—Yellow, veined velvety burnt lake. Scented, vigorous.. .i9 
Nene—World’s largest Iris. Lilac and old rose................. -29 
Nibelungen—S. yellow; F. maroon edged lighter. Handsome.... .19 
Nimbus—Fragrant, beautiful. Tall, stately, violet purple....... 19 
Nine Wells—S. violet; F. deep purple. Fragrant. Tall......... 19 
Nokomis—S. pale lavender; F. violet blue. Attractive... ..... 19 

No-we-ta—Truly described as Exquisite. Opening pink flowers 

Nymph—The best early yellow. Free flowering 
Opfeber Opera—Spring and fall flowering. Rich burgundy red 

Toneds SR e a isvatetinen Ss gcd i «aa sce eo oA egies) a ale 
Odaroloc—A pure soft mauve. 
Odoratissima—Pink toned self. Fragrant....................05. 19 
Old Gold—A fine yellow plicata. An unusual color.............. 19 
Olive White—Deep cream. Fall bloomer ...................... 
Oliver Perthuis—Velvety pansy violet. Fragrant, large, late.... .19 

Omaha—tThis is the nearest to red, bright orange beard......... 19 
Opal—Light pink lavender. Everybody likes it................. 19 
Opera—Rich violet purple. Sweet scented and very popular.... .19 
Ophelia—Orange, cream and bronze blend .................... 19 
Oregon Giant—Gigantic blooms; deep lustrous blue purple...... 19 
Oriflamme—Dark lavender. Large beautiful flower. Fragrant.. .19 
Orion—S. soft violet; F. plush-like blackish violet..... ........ 19 
Orloff—Deep cream, heavily dotted and etched red-brown........ 49 
Ossar—Glowing blackish red self...... ..... Se Re Res = 39 
Otoe-—Deep velvety red. Named for a tribe of Indians.......... 19 
Out at Sea—This new Iris suggests the afternoon sun at sea... 2.50 

Padre—Deep rose yellow blend .. 19 
Pare de Neuilly—Uniform dark violet. Late. Fragrant ....... 19 
Password—A child of Dauntless with a family resemblance .. 3.00 
Perfection—Velvety, dark madder violet, bicolor, orange beard.. .19 

Persia—Very lovely. The coloring of a rich Persian rug........ 19 
ePhebus—Weil’ posed; yellow. 575.00 30m.<-5 4 eck Oe ee eee 19 
Phyllis Bliss—A. light lavender pink. Very large flower......... -19 

Picador—Deserves a good place in your garden. Conspicuous 
variegata: S. yellow-buff; IF. dark rose-red, edged lighter. 

Fragrant aoe, be : BSE ie 39 
Pink Jadu—aA rose-white plicata, delightfully frilled petals...... 19 
Pink Satin—A variety of great beauty. Tall and commandin “29 
Pioneer—Rich red purple, large, good form. Fragrant <p eee 
Pocahontas—Frilled petals, white bordered lavender. Fragrant.. .19 
Pluie D’Or—(Golden Rain). Solid golden yellow............... 19 
Prairie Gold—The darkest yellow in existence. Large, late..... 19 
ePresident Pilkington—Blend, lavender, blue, buff, yellow, rose. .19 

Primary Blue—The three primary colors are Red, Yellow and 

Blue, from which all technicolor is produced ... ... eth ese 
Primavera—Very large pale yellow. Early. Fragrant. Brilliant .19 
Primrose—A deep clear yellow. Wonderful form............... 19 
Princess Beatrice—A favorite, light blue, tall, strong, fragrant. .19 
Princess Victoria Louise—Yellow-violet. Blooms freely......... 19 
Prosper Laugier—Very handsome rich brown toned Iris. Good.. .19 
Prospero—Lavender, violet brown. Desirable. Scented. Large.. .19 
Purple Haze—A French gray self. Large. Different............ 19 

Purple Leaf—Some varieties of Iris are purple at the leaf base. 
They help beautify the garden clump. Blooms, a splendid blend 3.50 
Quaker Lady—Pleasing blend of buff, blue and yellow. Scented. .19 

Queen Alexandra—Lilac and bronze, beard yellow.............. 19 
Queen Caterina—A great Iris, lavender violet. Scented......... 19 
Queen Flavia—Soft toned yellow blend. Intermediate .......... 19 
Queen of May—S. and F. fine rose lilac, pink. Fragrant........ 19 

eRameses—New blend. S. light russet; F. tourmaline pink .... .19 

Rameldo—Brownish petunia violet. Unusual . 19 
Red Cloud—S. rich rosy lavender-bronze; F. velvety maroon- 
CPUMMOR oid b6ct ha 2 Toe Se tac Sette ele arcter een o 19 

Red Grape—Color of rich ripe red grapes ..................... 2.50 
Red Overtone—A golden yellow with reddish overtone ......... 3.00 
Red Wing—Brilliant red. S. light reddish-wine; F. deeper red.. 
Refulgence—Two shades of violet-blue with bronze. Blooms late .39 

Reverie—S, buffs F. deep pink s-7.....-sevte. ae ee eee 19 
Rhea—S. lobelia violet; F. pansy violet........................ 19 
Rhein Nixe—S. white; F. pansy violet. Large, late. Scented... .19 
Rheintraube—Brilliant very blue color bicolor. Late ........... 19 
Riding High—Large, glistening lilac pink. Different........... 49 
Ringdove—S. deep lavender to olive lake; F. lavender violet.... .19 
Rochester—Deep lilac-purple; light claret-red overtone ........ 2.00 
Romola—Deep pink lavender bicolor. Scented. Beautiful....... 19 
Roseway—Deep pink lavender. Fragrant. Orange beard....... 19 
Rose Madder—Brilliant rose madder, velvety falls.............. 19 
Rose Unique—Early deep pink. Good for massing. Scented.... . 19 
Rosy Wings—Blending of brown, red and pink  ............ 99 

Royal Coach—A yellow plicata with brown stitching............ 39 
Rubyd—Rich deep reddish violet-purple. Effective in mass...... 19 
Rubeo—This is better than “‘a good red.’’ What is red?........ 19 
Ruth Pfeiffer—White and delicate lavender. Fragrant ......... 19 

R. W. Wallace—S. rich violet; F. almost black purple .......... 19 
Sachem—Called a perfect Iris. Rich, dazzling red bi-color...... 9 
Sandalwood—Bronze with pink and yellow suffusion............ 29 

Santa Barbara—Light toned blue lavender. Beautiful. Great... .19 
Selene—Very large silvery white. Selene means the Moon Goddess .19 
Seminole—Best of all the red purples; rich. Scented. Showy... .19 
Senlac—Clear claret red. Tall... 19 

Sensation—Beautiful blue, heavy substance, horizontal falls.... .19 
Sequoiah—Gorgeous combination of red-buff and deep yellow.... .19 
Shades of Blue—From light to dark blue. Different ........ 2.50 
Shah Jehan—Amoena type with seven distinct colors............ 19 
Shekinah—S. and F. pinard yellow. The first good yellow...... 19 
Shogun—One of the Nichol’s type of red Iris. Good............ 19 
Sierre Blue—Refined flower of clear blue....................... .30 
Sikh—Tones of fawn, copper and gold ........................ 19 
Simone Vaissiere—Silky white, brilliant aniline blue ........... 19 
Sir Galahad—S. and F. pansy violet. Tall, large, fragrant... 19 

Sir Michael—S. light blue; F. rich red-brown suffused purple... . 

Snow King—Flaring great white blossoms. Gold at throat...... 29 
Snow White—Snow white, with soft green markings  ....... 19 
S6lferino—Deep lilac-rose self. Many blooms on tall stem. . awihes o 
Solona—S. lemon yellow; F. rich Bordeaux. Good variegata.... .19 
Southern Cross—From New Zealand. Fawn to purple ......... 49 
Southland—Blooms spring and fall. Deep golden yellow... 19 
South of the Border—A lovely blend seedling of Rameses 3.00 
eSpokane—Brilliant red-brown blend.......................... 29 
Steepway—Blended pink, tan, lavender. Fragrant. Good....... 19 
Sunlight—Finest yellow. Superb under artificial light.......... 19 

~ etany, “ 
i? Bec suffused blue. Scented..... 
01 ion and will survive that variety...:.... 
- —Exq nite and delicate shade pale lilac rose. ic 
affeta—Has the appearance of changeable blue and gold silk % 
lisman—Subtle blending of red, yellow, pink and chamois. 

‘aj Mahal—Pure white, though occasionally lightly veined...... oh 
_ Tamar—sS. lilac; F. rose lilac. Good form. Lovely color........ 19 
‘Thelma an—Rich Detunia wviolet selfs Mae lac piv st. aas. Meese ow -99 
Thuratus—Dark purple self. A real SheaUt yarns 4. ieee AS san 

n igantic, striking, violet, blue purple.................. 19 
dark blue toned Iris from Bliss of sacred” Dis as -19 
ww toned bicolor, maroon veining........:...... 19 

mge and strawberry red over yellow.. 
ure | all, huge, clear rich yellow. Try it. 
ro t—Beautiful rosy pink. Large, tall, brilliant. . 
‘ropic Seas—Rich, velvety, blue purple. ‘Large, fragr 
eTrostringer—Tail light pink. Lovely and enchanting.......... 
hite margined blue lavender. Frilled. Scented... 
ght bluish-violet; F. deep brilliant purple 

Mayet—Rich and distinctive red color tone. Tall........ wld 
Valor—Largest, richest, blackish blue-violet................... 19 
3 de Milo—Gigantic pire BOW white: :.s5:..\.. ces A, cans 19 
esper Gold—Distinct yellow on molt: violet. flush: suse een 19 
Vabash—Amazingly beautif : S. pure white; F. vivid violet.. .99 
pe) faconda—Deep re 1S eas a Ie ee Ree Si eee eM Ore Siig 8 19 
i lvety purple. Intermediate. Early. .19 
‘ite, pale he Do (beard! Sera ey criance 19 

ink; dahlia carmine. cienlescataaterareae bee 

SLOTIER MOLA VClLO Wyse ae os <Ishaate reo, cvcPaggts tolete =r ante 5.00 

ed lavender of wonderful value......... 19 

rose purple. A really big fiower...... ea eet) 

re white and attractive............... 19 

ite petals, true gold beard............ 19 

\ dep i\dable pure white. Sweet scented....... 19 

white flower. Tong blooming season...... 19 

lav Fragrant. A great ae) 19 

2 veined manganese. Interesting. . 
; brown veining Site te ate 
need’ Ine Schat stimulates hs So your 
eS LR Soros see PR WME Can nalct sa 4.00 
2 olet bicolor. Frilled S...... 
dark purple flushed blue. Scented. . 
ao 4 vile, blue 

self. A ceasing “flower of rook form.. 
ipes lengthwise the leaves. Unique . 
than any other white Iris. Petals 

a is a bud sport of Florentina 
by’ Miss Grace Sturtevant 

named varieties. No other towed i 
0 color. Nor does any other flower ap- 
id so many colors on an individual bloom. 
> that the Tris Shah Jehan (in this c¢ol- 
colors blended on its petals. : 

5 are great opportunit to 
to come. Their potential beauty 
of colors and sweet fragrances make them the best 

in Flowering—$1.33 for $1 
ite Autumn King, Allies, Eleanor askevelt, King 
and Lieut. Chavagnac. 

eauty Collection—$1.33 for $1 

ce certainly enjoy “The Iris News’ and read it over and over. Wish 
I rned to love flowers when I was young. I am living on ‘bor- 
I looked at my ee i morning and received a 

ae a lot to me nae that Iam 65.” 
Boke G. D., Mo. 

i irae Collection—$1. 33 fet $1 

70 years of age and have been an Iris lover since my earliest — 
Lior n when I thought the blue, the pale yellow and the white 
e ‘only colors there were.”"—Mrs. A. D., Mo. ; 
Venus de Milo, Talisman, Gleam and 


i ice, Ee Pests, Ma Mie, Aphrodite. 

Collection $1. 33 for $1 

Or > ELIE Fra Angelico, Romola, Steepway 

e of he most enjoyable hours a my life 
ou “80 oF mo: different varieties of 

Cecil Minturn, Kalos, Roseway, 

White Queen Collection—$1.33 for $1 

Crystal Beauty, Chartier, Taj Mahal, Wambliska, Ingeborg, La 
Niege and White Queen. 

Red Toned Collection—$1.33 for $1 

“ay have recently bought a new home in the country and wish to 
have a beautiful flower garden in memory of my two boys killed in 
Germany in World War II. Please send me the inclosed list of 
plants.”—-MRS. V. P., S. Car. 

King Tut, Red Cloud, esha ao; 
_ Laugier and Geo. J. Tribolet 

fp The Gay 90’s—$1.33 for $1 

Ambassadeur, Dolly Madison, Candlelight, Morning Splendor, Prin- 
cess Beatrice, Mme. Gaudichau and Rameses. 

The Neptune Collection—$1.33 for $1 

Duke of Bedford, Neptune, Senlac, Edgewood, Zanardelle, Henri 
Rivere and Troost. 

Red Wing, Medrano, Prosper 

- The Perfection Collection—$1.33 for $1 


“T have had one kidney removed and have a tube in the other, yet 
I get a world of pleasure working in my garden, as flowers are my 
hobby. I have more than a hundred varieties of Iris as well as 
many other flowers. 

Bruno, Indian Chief, Cascanet, L. A. Williamson, Bluet, Perfec- 
_ tion and Harpalion. 

Trail’s End Collection—$1. 33 for $1 

“My mother died in August and now I will want more than ever 
lots of flowers to take to the cemetery. She loved flowers so much 
_that her plants always lived by her careful work. She did not neg- 

lect them but kept them supplied with) sufficient moisture.”—MISS 

RoiG: L.; Ark. 
Coronation, Euphony, Glory of Reading, Cretonne, Pare de Neuilly, 

Elizabeth Egelberg and Trail’s End. 

A nny plant orders for me since. 


. __ Very Late Collection—$1. 33 for $1 

“T bought my first Iris from you aM, ago and you have filled 

Always I have been well pleased 
‘with the beautiful blooms. Long may you live to help make the 
| world more beautiful.”—M. D., Mo. 

Azure, Rheintraube, Imperator, Midwest, W. J. Freyer, Phebus 
and Monsignor 

‘ Take Notice \ 
Six collections for $5—all to one addresa or each t: 
a separate address. 


Pseudacorus—Is the bright, golden yellow Iris that will grow in 
water. Its leaves are tall, graceful and very ornamental. 
Other varieties which will beautify moist locations on es- 

tates, marshes, along the margin of lakes, ponds, brooks and 
_ water gardens: 

_ Emperor—(Orientalis) beautiful dark blue. Fascinating......... AB 
Snow Queen—Beautiful white. Combines with Emperor......... 16 
‘ Rory s Blue—Bright sky blue, veined lighter. Landscaping ... .18 

The Lincoln Collection 

of Eighteen Colorful, Hardy and Outstand- 
ing Iris only $2. 

Allure—Canary yellow, overlaid opalescent pink. Ruffled.... 
Avatar—S. buff; F. pansy violet, 3 ft. Fragrant, brilliant... 
Buto—S. royal purple; F. dark velvety violet. Likeable .... 
Challenger—Dark purple to blackish violet. Large, good 
Churchmouse—A wonderful new color—Hay’s Brown. See it 
Dr. C. H. Mayo—A pink toned bicolor. Fragrant. roar 
King Tut—S. brownish; F. velvety glowing red. Admired.. 
Mme. Cheri—Violet ; pink and yellow undertone. Pleasing.. 
Nymph—The best early yellow. Free flowering............. 
Omaha—This is the nearest to red, bright orange beard 
Pluie D’Or—(Golden Rain) Solid golden yellow . 
| Refulgence—Two shades violet-blue with bronze. Blooms bee 
Rameses—New blend. S. light russet; F. tourmaline pink. . 
Sir Galahad—S. and F. pansy violet. Tall, large, fragrant... 
Valor—Largest, richest, blackish blue-violet 
Venus de Milo—Gigantic pure snow white 
Vesper Gold—Distinct yellow with soft violet flush 
White Queen—Snow white flower. Long blooming season.... 

The total cost of these 18 varieties when introduced was $400.00. 
Now only $2. Make your garden fascinating. 

“Die when I may, I want it said of me by those who 
knew me best, that I plucked a thistle and planted a 
flower wherever I thought a flower would grow.” 


Perennial Flowering Plants 

OS ice *eie Milfoil, finely cut leaves, pink flowers 

Torani! 15 
_ Anthemis—Hardy Marguerite, Perry’s variety. The best....... : 15 
‘Ajuga—Bronzy foliage. Best ground cover................... 15 
Aquilegia (Columbine)—Mixed colors......................... 15 
_ Auchusa Myosotidfiore—Covered with beautiful, rich, blue flowers, 
_ like the Forget-Me-Not, during April and May. Fine for the 
Rock: Gardenterl0vin>, High. eos kh dead tae eee ee 25 
Black- -Eyed-Susan—This perennial blooms profusely........... 15 
‘Chinese Lantern Plant—Orange scarlet....................... 15 
_Coreopsis—Rich golden yellow. Valuable for cutting.......... 15 
Delphinium, Chinese—Dwarf, intense blue..................... 15 
Delphinium—Gold Medal Hybrids in various colors..,......... 15 
gy Dicentra: Tinea Fringed foliage, blooms all summer....,... 20 
Double English Violet—Early blooming. Fragrant............... 20 
Feverfew—A most useful summer cut flower.................. 15 
_ Gaillardia—Red brown crimson, orange and vermillion:® .i./..5n. 15 
Elder Daisies—Early. White and valuable.................... 15 
Helianthus—Perennial sunflower. Cut flowers................. 15 
Heliopsis—Hardy Zinnia. Golden flowers.........,........... -16 
Hesperis—Sweet Rocket. Fragrant flowers in showy spikes. . -15 
Lathyrus—Hardy Sweet Pea. Rose color...................... 15 
Liatris—Gayfeather. Long spikes, rich purple................ 15 
Linum Perenne—Flax. Delightful blue HOWern ot eee oo) 

FES ee gi ietata oo Fee sc 15 
aes Dink Mosca Morten. Conon flowers. 
Physostegia Grandiflora—Vivid rosy mauve..... ate een te of 
Phlox Subulate Rosea—Intense deep rose ........ ......... 115 
_ Pyrethrum—Painted Daisy. White to deep red. Marly ach 115 
Shasta Daisy—Glistening white flowers §..... ~~. “15 
pider-Wort Blue—Continues long in‘bloom ..... ‘es ae 15 
Viola—Jersey Gem. Rich violet. Blooms eight months. —— “15 
ulalia Variegata—Ornamental perennial grass, green foliage : 
mringd lengthwise with creamy white. Six feet tall, very 
SHOW Sg ie isiniew oes ten tan ode sana tale vies ies ts) ARMMMMECLEPIS osiralatels « .sieterey. cnc 
ictamnus Gas Plant—Showy, hardy perennial bush, 2 ft. high, 4 
fragrant foliage and spikes of rosy pink flowers ....._.... 26 

& A few clumps of peonies in your garden or 
Peonies perennial] border usually give lasting pleasure 
and beauty. 
In planting, be careful not to cover the roots too deep; the eyes 
or buds should not be covered more than two inches. Peonies like 
fertile soil which if necessary may be secured by the not too liberal 

use of well rotted barn yard manure or commercial fertilizer. The 
owner alone can judge. : 

Adolphe Rousseau—Rich, dark red. Tail. Early............. $ .5¢ 
Albert Crouse—Soft, shell-pink. Fragrant. Late ............ 46 
Asa Gray—Salmon-fiesh, sprinkled with dots of lavender...... 40 
Avalanche—Large white. Delightfully fragrant. Late....... 4 
Baroness Schroeder—Delicate flesh-white. Rose fragrance..... AE 
Charles Verdier—A free and reliable bloomer. Fragrant...... 78 
Edulis Superba—Very early, deep mauve pink. Rose fragrance’ .2$ 
Felix Crousse—Clear, brilliant red. Late midseason ......... «35 
Festiva Maxima—Purest white, flecked crimson. Early. 

Sragrantiaten aes hie etek it gr aces. ee 36 
Floral Treasure—A ‘giant pink that is very pleasing 46 
Frances Willard—Pure white, showing golden stamens. Late AG 
Golden Harvest—Soft pink, petals of salmon and yellow...... 39 
Grandifiora—Large, soft, shell-pink, shading to rosy white.... Ad 
Jeanne d’Arc—Soft pink with yellow effect .................. AS 
Karl Rosenfeld—Rich, velvety crimson. One of the best...... 56 
Kelways Glorious—Creamy white, rose fragrance............ 1.06 
Lovelmmess—Very< late spink 45:0. Sain re ee eae oe -56 
Le Cygne—A wonderful flower of purest white. Fragrant....  .78 
Longfellow—Brightest crimson with a cherry tone. ........ 48 
Martha Bulloch-—Silvery, sheil-pink, shading to deep rose..... 50 
Midnight—Large, deep maroon; good for cutting ............ 5e 
Milton Hill—Lilac rose with tints Of salmonc pili. ere eee 56 
Mme. Crousse—Uniform pure white, vetals flecked crimson. 44 
Mme. Jules Dessert—Creamy white with golden glow ........ .5¢ 
Phillippe Rivoire—Early, very dark crimson ................. BE 
Salonge—Coffee and Cream. One of five highest rated........ 76 
Sarah Bernhardt—Soft, pink flowers of splendid size 60 
Therese—Soft pink. One of the world’s best pinks... . -60 
Tourangelle—Delicate flesh pink. Beautiful. Fragran 49 
Walter Faxon—Coral pink, one of the finest................. 66 

No Peonies Will Be Shipped During May, June and July 

Four Peony Plants, $1 

Each a different color. Some will bloom early and some will bloom 
late. My selection. Worthy of your consideration. 


About the only way to have plenty of flowers in late fall and early 
winter is to grow Chrysanthemums. They are easy of culture and 
the hardy varieties come before the killing frosts. 
Adironda—Bronze, aster type, golden reverse 
Algonquin—Called the best yellow Mum................ 
Argenteuillais—Bronzy flowers, tipped gold. Superb 
Astrid—Single. Bloom is shell-pink and old-rose.............. 

Autumn Lights—Coppery-bronze and gleaming orange........ 15 
Bronze Button—Very productive of flower heads.............. 15 
Burgundy—Rich crimson with deeper tone in center .......... 15 
Canary—Aster flowered deep yellow... ..........-seeeseeeees 15 
Capt. Cook—A brilliant shade of rose pink...................5 15 
Chestnut Bur—Deep chestnut red.................00 cence eeee 15 
Clara Curtis—Bushy habit. Deep rose-pink flowers........... 15 
Crimson Glory—Early pompon, very bright crimson............ 15 
Darzler—Cardinal|.(red 3.205..h)c kates | Paine ents et aelenauaaains, was gerne 15 
Early Bronze—Orange bronze. Blooms from September till frost .15 
Bdeti—Bright. . rose. cii5 Fm syalggerely 35a 2s acd tae Goreme 15 
Frances Whittlesey—Rich bronze and garnet.................. 15 
Glomero—Medium size, orange, rose sheen. ................... 15 
Iridescent—Combines various shades of yellows and pinks. 15 
Jean Cummings—Large, pure white flowers............. 15 
Jean Treadway—Pink with dark center, beautiful foliage 15 
King Midas—Yellow, one of the best...............0..-4-ecees 1G 
Lilian Doty—Good deep pink. A standby. Ball shaped........ 15 
Mgrion Hatton—Very early canary yellow. Excellent......... 15 
ry Pickford—White, tiny fiowers in great clusters.......... 15 
Murilla—Old rose, floriferous and always admired............. 15 
Muskogee—Early, purplish-rose. Compact, bushy growth...... 15 
Old one aes yellow, deepening to old gold at center..... 15 
Orchid Beauty—Orchid with deeper tone in center............ 15 
Provence—Soft pink, blended yellow...................-.+--- 15 
pture—Deep orange-bronze with carmine suffusion......... 15 
Red Flare—The first bright red garden variety. Floriferous... .18 
Romany—Carmine red with gold reverse....................-- 15 
Rose Beauty—Deep rose, button type ........... 00 secu eee eee 15 
sy Gem—Bright pink or rose color..............-..--++e0065 15 
Ruth Cummings—Rich reddish bronze. Best all around variety .15 
Ruth Hatton—Clear ivory white when fully opened............ 15 
pane Gold—Large, beautiful golden yellow................ 15 
kist—Bright dark orange, early .< 605. cs oss ise cee e vee es AS 
y low, Gem-—Button + typename coataciserties cies  Ciaptwe divlealee elle 16 
Hardy Singles 
Cayalier—Deep wine .color. .. -...00:-ciis en dee ec nieercsc eae’ $ 15 
Gitnadier—Crimson scarlet. sic...) Sats oa em ieee eee 15 
Indian Maid—Deep orange terra-cotta........................ 15 
Lauise Schling—Glowing salmon red, bright yellow center...... 15 
8 Flower—Rich orange yellow..............-----...-+-+e8+ 15 
Early Flowering Cushion Varieties 

Pak: Cushion*Amoeliats ccocisce, casted s/he feggeatem ate). kek inuation $ .15 
Rese Cushion, Ameliaie stoop on nnn nao oon 15 
Bronze Cushion ‘Amelia. fccenee vac al vag coe db dive cian a eee 15 
Gilden Cushion) (Amelia 0 canes eel etter secrneeele a ee Oe 15 
ite. Cushion [Amelia ci 6c or) ee oe Sei ariorcice cae aa 15 

1) Koreans 
Apoilo—Bronze POD A creieiacst on PAN I a Mean soos ae ale $ 15 
Ceres—Old gold blended with yellow.....................0205- 15 
Daphne—Lilac rose... ..-.. 1... eee ence eect eet eee eens 15 
Mers—Deep amaranth :redis, 00, < + sis eteuuaincs cela se mete nounpomen 15 
Iithocence— White tinted pink... 00 5.02 0... dns ean neeniinccees. AS 

For 50 Cents 

You may have any one of the following group offers 
sent labeled and postpaid right to your mail box. 

4 Aquilegia Assorted; 5 Real Black Eyed Susan; 5 
Blue Flax; 5 Coreopsis; 5 Anthemis; 4 Delphinium (Chi- 
ese); 4 Delphinium (Gs, P35) 324 Feverfew; 4 Gaillardia; 
B Heliopsis 5 Helianthus; 5 Hesperis; 4 Kaempheri (Jap 
Iris); 4 Daisies (Elder); 4 Daisies (Shasta); 4 Daisies 
(Painted); 3 Hemerocallis Assorted; 83 Funkia Assorted; 
/5 bulbs glorious Dutch Iris; 4, Garden Heliotrope. 

5 Heliopsis; 5 Helianthus; 5 Hesptriss 3 Kaempheri (Jap 
4\Lily Tennifolium; 3 Tigrinum; 4 Armeria. 

4 Lathyrus; 5 Chinese Lanterns; 4 Monarda Didyma; 

5 Physostegia Grandiflora; 5 Pink Mullein; 4 Phlox Su- 
bulata Rosea; 4 Phlox Divar icata, Karly Spring; 3 Hardy 
Phlox; 4 Assorted Oriental Poppy; 4 Spiderwort; 10 As- 
sorted Tulip Bulbs; 10 Assorted Gladiolus Bulbs; 3 
Double English Violets. 

YES, you may have 5 of the groups for $2. 

Lily Bulbs 
Umbellatum—Rich orange red, free flowering. Large........ 
Trigrinum — Rich salmon-orange, spotted with glossy black, 

obust growth, easy culture ....... 26 
Tenuifolium Coral lily, deep scarlet. Border or rock garden 15 

‘Several years ago I bought 20 Iris of you. Eighteen of the plants 
grew and gave very lovely flowers.”—MISS P. H., Pa. 

All plants are sent postpaid direct to your mail box. 
A. B. KATKAMIER, Macedon, N. Y. 

re from pole to pole as they are the easiest of all 
full sun, dry or wet soil. 

s, border or landscaping they will endure beyond a 
blight or insect pest. 

¢ more bloom stalks, each stalk predaaue 10 to 
active from early spring until late autumn. 

ps, one starting to open as the other fades. Thus 

t anytime and when in bloom the Amaryllis-like 
those who love the beautiful. 

into fou eae grou 
lis can am planted anywhere 


Mikado—Leads in popularity of the eyed types. Its color is — 
orange with a broad spot of mahogany on each petal—a bold, 
striking color contrast. Large blooms in July on stems 36 in. 
tall. Has a gay appearance. Is a prodigious bloomer 

COE RAC ’ wee kg iH. Austin—This notable variety ghar with Betscher. 
! pm has large flowers of deep, golden yellow on 3 ft. stems in | 

Arg tile } July and Agnes ec apes patent. « sara ase ae oe 

Ophir—A lovely true golden yellow, trumpet-shaped flowers. 
Large with an amazing succession ‘Of blooms on stems up to 4 — 

ne St ie . #t. Must be grown to be appreciated. ~.............. ccc ce ese e29 

Rajah—A sturdy plant with brilliant, flame-scarlet blooms. Dis-— 
plays a vivid triangular throat area of Brazil red. The large 
See z flowers are elegantly shaped, gorgeously dark colored and freely 

Brae oie: As ze , Serenade—The petals are interestingly twisted and crinkled. 
i _ They carry light, pastel shades of yellow and pink with a 

“a Michael Foster—This is one of the best of the group of fra- 

grant varieties. The blooms are large, ruffled, of clear empire- 

yellow, without marks of any kind.....\...7.............-0- 39 

border | the pea to hi Soudan—A soft lemon-yellow that is brilliant, “pure and un- 
ast yi aint the plants ° defiled.’’ The flowers are of perfect form with slightly waved, 

Sunny West—The East looks forward to the West; the West 
reminisences of the East. We have from the sunny mid-west — 
a Hemerocallis with immense flowers of wax-like substance, 
borne on very tall, branching stems. It is one of the last ‘tom 
bloom in Sept. Originated by Sass of Nebraska.............. +59 
| The Gem—Comes in June and July on 3 ft. stems, finely formed, — 

Vesta—A just enough flush of orange red at the center of this 
lovely flower intensifies the brilliant, deep cadmium yellow 
color and makes it a great favorite. Its color has been called 

_ Wau-Bun—The best of the long-flowering season varieties (Dr. 
Stout), beginning to bloom in July and sometimes continues 
right up to frost. The twisted petals are a new, soft yellow, 
sprinkled with traces of red, giving the 6 im ies a unique 

a and outstanding appearance. Stems up to 3 ft................ 695 

Winsome Another attractive and fragrant ee origi- 
_ nating in Europe. A dainty, soft, creamy yellow............. 39 
Every Sunday morning we make up a basket of flowers for the 
cemetery. Always a few blooms of whichever variety of Hemero 
‘ callis happens to be in flower are used to give distinction. - 
especial charm to an, ; “ ~ 2 
andscape ‘picture ellie Be ¥ PO 35 | All plants Jabeled and postpaid to your mail box. — 

Any time before the ground is actually frozen, your perennial » 

during the fall months are increasing their root growth every day 
all winter when the soil isn’t deeply frozen. But you should protect 
your fall-set plants by covering them lightly with excelsior, placing 
some earth over enough of the excelsior to prevent the wind from 
blowing it away. 

In the spring the excelsior can be removed. Your plants will thus 
be in a position to thrive even before spring set plants could be 
dug. We will be glad to take care of your order sent today. 

will never come back, I am building a garden park for 
him, centered with a cement shaft on which there will 

to bloom around the shaft during spring, Pes an 
fall and look to you for the plants.”—J, 

to Our Readers 

tisfaction to know that our plants have 
eliness of so many thousands of 
ae Portland, Maine, to Portland, 
finnesota, to Palm City, Florida. 


ienis worth the price paid. We 

g, garden or weather conditions. 

¢ can be mailed on the same day to 
* the plants live and thrive. A few 
istomers: have the "green hand" and all 
customers have "no luck." We should 
r cultural failures. 

ong with your order please write, 

‘ris News" can be sent only to recent 
ive customers. Should you receive 
hem to garden friends. Thank you. 

_ faint halo in a deeper tone. Above 3 ft. in June............... 63° 

bwaxy edges, larve, and fragrant’. i. sg omu\%. os. eaeblnnme 49) 

rich, deep orange-yellow flowers..............c0sceeeeeeeeees *} 

Re -elittering golden; Orange” 24 ait Abas eee ee eaoy, 

“Mr, Katkamier: In memory of our soldier boy who 

~ produced on 4 ft. stems in July and August ue sips ek ae ae eae AD 

be a flag by day and a light by night. I want flowers 


flowering plants can be safely transplanted. Your plants set out | 

TT 3 


isn IRISN 

Macedon, N. Y. 

If extra, Please hand to Some Flower Lover. 

“Glacial Rock Gardens’’ 

Descriptive Price List 
A. B. Katkamier 

Also each Monday morning the first letter opened that 
contains an order, will have the amount of the order 

doubled in value—regardless of the amount of the order. 
Some one is sure to win this Monday morning special. 

It may be your opportunity. 
The letters are chosen by and opened in the presence 

That is, to the list of plants ordered, we will add an 
of our RFD mail carrier. 

gift plant—the greater the order, the more valuable 
‘equal value in plants, our selection. 

plant or plants given. 

“Since 1665 when my ancestors first settled in Massachusetts, we 

lias been lovers of flowers and cultivated them in and around our 

ks hand in hand with God’. 

am now over eighty years of age but still work in my garden 
by my own hands and landscaped in a way which brings much 
app eciation from my many friends.”—Mrs. J. As C., ‘es 

ws and I believe with the poet—‘That he who tends a garden 

“For the inclosed dollar please send me the five old fashioned 
Hearts. My agate thought they were the most beautiful of 
all flowers.”—Mrs. J. S., Okla. 

“We have a prominent man in our locality who tries to build him- 
self up by insinuatingly belittling others. I sent him my copy of ‘We 
Are Immortal’ with a check mark on the paragraph referring to the 
‘Good in People’, and hope you will send me erutber ga ey replace.”’ 

. C. G., Ohio. 

“T want to thank you for the very beautiful words in ‘We Are 
Immortal.’ I find them very imspiring.”—MRS. R. P. K., Minn. 

“Received the poppy roots in excellent condition. Planted them 
the same day. They are beginning to grow already and are looking 
fine. I am delighted with them. Thanks also for the gift, you are 
most generous.”—MRS. G. E. M., N. Hamp. 

“I can get the most out of Iris in lovely colors and sweet fra- 
grances for the little time and attention I can give my plants.’’— 
MRS. J. W. N., New York. 

“This is my seventh order this season. Please send me the Indian 
collection. All the plants I have received of you have been of the 
best and I am proud of them all.’-—MRS, A. O., Ind. 

“The Iris order I sent you last spring was doubled much to my 
surprise. We had a two-month drouth but every plant lived. I have 
never lost a plant ordered from you.”’’—MRS. R. H., Mo. 

“T planted 33 of your Iris plants this spring and they are all 
growing nicely. Thanks for the gift plant.”—MRS. R. W. R., E 

“Tt seems that your ‘We Are Immortal’ may have been written to 
give me a lift. You see the doctors gave me only a short time to live 

_(Incurable cancer). They say I may live longer by staying in bed. 

But I cannot forsake the pleasures of my garden and the flowers. 
I’ve been sick two years but I spend every hour possible in the 
garden tending the flowers for I have a peace and happiness there 
by finding something near to God in every beautiful flower. 

“Thank you for your inspiring and comforting words in ‘We Are 
Immortal’ for they mean more to me every time I read them.” 
Mrs. H. H., Texas. 

“It has been indeed a happy privilege to come into possession of 
your editorial, ‘We Are Immortal.’ I am deeply impressed with your 
wonderful sentiments so eloquently expressed of the spiritual as 
well as the physical life. 

“I believe the world at large would be greatly benefitted by having 
an opportunity of reading your ‘We Are Immortal’. It is the most 
insiring composition I ever read.” Mrs. F. W. H., Texas 

“Your article, ‘We are- Immortal’ appeals to me more and more 
each time I read it. I have faith in the future so ae tg expressed 
in your word picture,” —Mrs. R. R., Texas 

“T am keeping your article, ‘We Are Immortal’ in my memory 
book. Many people have been thrilled by reading its beautiful words 
explaining one’s conception of the future spirit-life. You are so 
encouraging.” —Mrs. H. S. A., Indiana 

“T think your ‘We Are Immortal’ is a wonderful writing. Just 
to read it seems to bring me closer to God. It is nice of you to send 
these inspiring words to your friends.” —M. EK. T., Pa. 

“T enjoyed every word of your program for the spirit world. I read 
it each day no matter how weary I am with the cares of life. And 
then I get a refreshing outlook for the future and believe your ‘We 
Are Immortal’ points the way so clearly that anyone can under- 
stand.” —Mrs. S. T., Va. 

“Your editorial “We Are Immortal’ is a wonderful article. If all 

the people would read it there would never be any more war.” 
—Mrs. S. A. W., N.Y: